Complete vs. Partial Dentures: Which Are Right for You

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Blog

Your dental health deserves particular attention and special attention to minimize the possibility of deterioration. Over time, one might be faced with undergoing more drastic measures in the form of dentures. Now, what exactly are dentures? The days of the crude “George Washington-esque” dentures variants are long gone as dental technology has greatly improved. The Archbold Family Dental team is here to shed some light on these dental solutions.


Dentures are specially designed mouthpieces made to mimic the real thing if you happen to experience an unfortunate missing adult tooth. Depending on the number of missing teeth, dentures can be tailored to replace a single tooth or the full set. Dentures can be more convenient than alternate forms of tooth replacements, such as veneers, since they can be removed. With dentures, they can be custom fitted over time as your dental structure shifts ever so slightly. 


When it comes to dentures, there are two main types that you can look into. Depending on your specific situation and after you have consulted with your dentist, you’re looking at either Complete Dentures or Partial Dentures. 


Your dentist will assess your dental health and recommend one of these two options based on the number of missing teeth. For less severe cases where one or a couple of your teeth are missing, your dentist will recommend partial dentures that are custom-fitted to the gap in your teeth. Partial dentures are meant to be removed during sleep and are held in place through a series of clasps.


For more severe cases where several teeth are missing, your dentist will recommend getting a complete set. Complete dentures come in two types, conventional and immediate dentures. Conventional dentures are used after all of your teeth have been extracted, and your gums have had time to heal. Immediate dentures, like the name suggests, are to be used immediately following the extraction.


The need for dentures varies between individuals, so we recommend consulting with your dentist to determine the best solution for your condition. If you’re in the Archbold, OH, area and need a consultation, please give our office a call!